It is with great pleasure that we officially launch the first version of our free open-source platform that references digital tools in agriculture!
We really enjoyed working on this platform and we tried to put our philosophy into it as much as possible. For those who have been able to accompany us in the past, you have certainly seen our digital ecosystem maps. Although they were quite pretty and were taken up by social networks, these infographics were not very informative in the end. It was not possible to filter the tools, to click on them, or to get additional information. We then tried to make these infographics dynamic but we realised that this format was not completely adapted either. We then turned to a platform – a sort of online library or directory – which we hope will finally provide a clearer picture of the ecosystem of digital tools in agriculture.
This platform lists a large number of digital tools (sensors, decision support tools, robots, data portals, etc.) used in agriculture. It is open and completely free for agricultural professionals. The digital tools come mainly from France and Europe (for the moment). We are mainly targeting farmers, technicians and agricultural advisors, but this platform could have much more varied audiences (students, researchers, tool suppliers, etc.). Our objective is really to allow these professionals to find their way in the extremely abundant and complex ecosystem of digital tools in agriculture. If we consider that digital tools are a desirable way to support agriculture, then we want users to be aware of what exists on the market and to be able to make their choice with complete objectivity. If, on the contrary, digital tools do not bring much to the agricultural professions, we hope that our platform will make it possible to report on this.
The digital tools are presented in the form of an online shop but we do not sell the tools. It is only an encapsulation to present the tools in a very visual way. We have designed the platform to be as accessible as possible: a user path and a set of filters are available to navigate more easily through the ecosystem of digital tools. Once logged in, the platform gives all users the possibility to rate and judge the digital tools offered. These opinions will allow suppliers to improve their tools and to take a step back on the interest of the tools for agricultural professionals. This platform has the great merit of being sustainable over time and above all participatory. Any tool supplier or user can add a new tool or propose modifications. Once the proposals have been moderated, they can be added to the platform.
You can now :
- create an account on the platform,
- browse the shop,
- filter, compare and rate digital tools on the market
- search for tools, companies or keywords in the search bars
- select the tools you already use and those you would like to have
- Add new tools
We also wanted to expand the platform in the sense that it will not only be an online shop. The platform also offers several resources around these digital tools. These include
- A set of thematic articles to better understand the technologies presented and to start taking a step back
- A set of infographics, maps and large figures to better understand digital technology (overview of tools, adoption of tools, etc.) and agriculture (maps, time series, etc.)
All these resources will evolve and be enriched over time (some are not yet available, so don’t worry!).
If you like the project, we invite you to collaborate with us. Are you already doing some monitoring on your side? Come and share it with us so that it can be integrated into the platform and be accessible to everyone.